I Know You; Do You Know Me?

From the beginning, we were meant to have a close relationship with God. God created us in His own image.  He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be with Him for all eternity.  He predestined us to be His children. And God wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus. We are His creation; we are His people; we are His children. God knows us because He created us, every intricate detail, from the crown of our heads to the soles of our feet, our thoughts and even the attitude of our hearts. He knows what we need even before we ask. He knows us, but do we know Him?  Paul prayed that God would give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we could know Him better. God wants us to know Him; He is our heavenly Father, and we are His beloved children. In order for us to have an intimate relationship with God, we must get to know Him.  How to you get to know God? You get to know God the same way you get to know someone else.  You spend time with them; you communicate with them.  Your BFF didn’t become your best friend without spending time with them to get to know them. How do you spend time with God?  You spend time in His Word; you meditate on His Word; you spend time with Him in prayer, you live a life of obedience; you trust Him through your trials.

Communication involves speaking and listening.  We speak to God through prayer and we know that He hears/listens to our prayers. The Holy Spirit even helps us to know what to pray for. We get to know Him better through prayer. When we read and meditate on God’s Word and hear His Word being preached, He speaks to us through the Holy Spirit.  We are listening to Him, which is the second half of the communication process. His Word is alive and active and it often speaks to our current situation.  He leads us, guides us, and directs our paths. He gives us wisdom and understanding. We get to know Him better through reading and hearing His Word.

When we worship and praise Him, we understand how great He is, how wonderful and magnificent He is, and how much He truly loves us. We get to know Him better through our worship and praise. When we fellowship with other believers, we get to know Him better through them, their testimonies and their walk with Him.

When we are obedient, we learn that His commands are not burdensome.  We are His friend if we obey Him. We get to know Him better when we are obedient. When we go through trials and trust Him to see us through, we get to know Him better.

I have learned that in all these ways, we get to know God more personally and intimately.  We develop a true and everlasting friendship with Him; Jesus becomes our BFF. We couldn’t have a better friend than Jesus.  He laid down His life for us. He provides for us; He comforts us; He has our back; He will never leave us nor forsake us; He is faithful even when we are not; He is our refuge and our strength; He blesses us; He is never too busy and never unavailable. He is our all and all. What a friend we have in Jesus! What are you doing to get to know Jesus better?

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Deborah Watkins
“At Your service to do Your Will”