Who Do I Look Like?

Who Do I Look Like?

It’s amazing how much some children look like one of their parents.  I have several friends whose children are the spitting image of one of the parents.  Several years ago, I saw a teenager at church that I had never seen before, but I knew immediately, without a doubt, who his father was because he was the spitting image of his father.  I am sure many of you can relate to that.

As Christians, we should be the spitting image of our father, our heavenly Father. You have probably heard the phrase, “an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”, meaning that a son or daughter is very much like their parent in their character, actions, behaviors and even talents. I remember watching a movie many years ago where someone made a statement about the apple falling far from the tree.  It was hilarious! The person stated that he was amazed at how far the apple fell from the tree and then rolled.  That child was nothing like his father!

We were created in the image and likeness of God. When we accepted Christ, we put on our new self, which is being renewed in the image of God. We were predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ. We are supposed to bear a remarkable resemblance to Christ in every way – in our actions, in our lifestyle, in our character, in our desires, in our motives, and even in our attitude.  Many years ago, our Sunday School theme was “Becoming Christ-like Daily.” As we continue to grow spiritually, we are to become more and more like Christ. That is to say, people should see Christ in us.

Several years ago, I ran across a new version of Footprints. The new version starts off very similar to the original version with two sets of footprints in the sand. But as time goes on, the person grows in his spiritual walk with the Lord, and the two sets of footprints gradually become one.  The person’s smaller footprints are inside Jesus’ larger footprints.  And, as the person continues to grow in Jesus’ likeness, the smaller footprints grow to fill the larger footprints to the point that there is only one set of footprints visible in the sand. But then, the footprints separate again and the person’s footprints are all over the place – zig zagging, stopping, starting, a variable mess of prints. Jesus explained what was happening in the person’s dream – starting off as a new Christian, to just learning to walk with Him,  to learning to walk in His steps and following Him closely, to then becoming like Him in every way (when his footprints filled Jesus’ footprints). But the person was confused about the footprints separating at the end and appearing as if he had regressed.  Jesus explained that at that time, they danced.  I want to be able to dance with the Lord! Don’t you? In order to dance with Him, we must grow into His likeness. Can others see Christ’s likeness in you?
I’ve learned that we are not only to live for Christ, that is, live a life that is pleasing to Him, we are also to be conformed to His likeness, to become a reflection of Him in every way, so that others will see Him in us.  How else can we influence the world for His sake?  Who do you look like?  As you grow and mature spiritually, are you looking more and more like Christ?  What are you doing to become the spitting image of your heavenly Father?

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Deborah Watkins
“At Your service to do Your Will”