Blessings in Life and Death

After a long day’s work, I am ready to sit back in my easy chair, kick off my shoes, and just relax and unwind. I’ve worked hard, accomplished a lot, and I deserve a rest. That’s the way our Christian life should be. We are God’s workmanship, created to do good works that He has prepared for us to do.  As long as God wakes us up each morning, He has work for us to do. We should thank Him every morning that He blesses us to see another day. And not only that, we should work diligently to accomplish the work God has prepared for us to do. God equips us to do His work and causes all things to work for our good. As we labor here on earth, we store up treasures in heaven by not only doing good, but being rich in good deeds, being generous and willing to share with others. Once this earthly life is over, we will live with Him, in our heavenly home for all eternity. Paul tells us “to live is Christ and to die is gain.” He let’s us know that we should look forward to being with Christ after this earthly life is over. This is our rest from a life well-lived; this is our reward.

As Christians, we know that we receive many blessings in this life.  We are blessed in Christ with every spiritual blessing. God lavishes us with His great and infinite love, grace, and mercy. But, one of the many blessings we receive, is our inheritance. He has given us eternal life. We have to leave this earthly life in order to receive our inheritance.  Too often, we tend to avoid death as if it is the plague. We don’t see death as a blessing. When it comes to our loved ones, we definitely don’t see their death as a blessing. Jesus told us that He was going to prepare a place for us, and that there are many mansions in heaven. We get our reward, our inheritance, when we die.  We should be happy and rejoice when our loved ones receive their reward, their deserved rest from a life well-lived.

I have learned that life is a blessing and a gift. We should cherish it and live our lives to please God. I have also learned that death is a blessing and a gift. The gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus. We should look forward to seeing our Lord. We are blessed to finally go to our permanent, heavenly home, after a life well-lived. We get our reward. “Well done thy good and faithful servant.”

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Deborah Watkins
“At Your service to do Your Will”