What the World Needs Now

The holiday season is the giving season. It warms my heart to see all of the love and compassion displayed for those who are in need. Many organizations, churches, and individuals provide food, clothes, and toys to those in need in communities all across the country. I believe that this love and compassion should be…

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Passing Through

I am so looking forward to my summer vacation! It has been a long school year, and I am in desperate need of some rest and relaxation. We generally take a weeklong vacation. As I was contemplating this topic of passing through, I was reminded of all the many summer vacations we took as a…

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Who is Number One?

Those who know me, know that I love to watch tennis.  I love to play also, although I am not very good at it.  For the past 2 weeks, I have been watching the Australian Open.  As the days passed, and players advanced to the next rounds, discussions arose about who would have the number…

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What’s Love Got To Do With It?

According to Tina Turner’s song, it was just a second-hand emotion.  But for us, as Christians, spiritually speaking, love has everything to do with it. Why? All that God is, all that God does, all that God expects us to be and do, has to do with love.  The Bible tells us that God is…

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Christian Support, Whenever You Need It

Curabitur placerat, mauris nec rhoncus elementum, ipsum lectus commodo tellus, sit amet bibendum ipsum justo in diam. Vestibulum aliquam, erat quis ornare consectetur, orci orci lobortis turpis, a suscipit dolor odio eu turpis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec vehicula lorem id risus ornare pulvinar sit amet…

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FOS Messenger Launches

Morbi eget bibendum felis. Sed ultrices vulputate felis quis efficitur. Phasellus consequat turpis magna, ac tempor justo porta eu. Fusce gravida turpis id felis aliquam, sit amet ornare velit posuere. Suspendisse porttitor venenatis ex, sed vehicula tortor aliquam ut. Donec scelerisque porta ex, sed laoreet velit luctus quis. Suspendisse euismod fermentum pharetra. Fusce sagittis faucibus…

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Spirituality in the Age of Technology

Considering how many of us have chosen to live our lives today, spiritually speaking; technology has become a major vehicle in getting any message across to a larger audience. This message we are speaking about begins with self. So, we must first search inwardly concerning our spirituality without the influence of others locally or worldwide.…

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